My First City Break - Madrid
So Madrid is the first and only city holiday I've done in Spain so far and I think it will be my last lol. Just kidding! I prefer beach holidays but I'm not one to turn down ANY holiday so what am I saying?
Madrid the city was lovely! Our Hotel was right in the centre of town, easy to get to all the main sights and clubs which was great! Im not too sure about the people though, they stared A LOT! Maybe that was due to the rainbow of shades my group comprised of, I dont know. After a while though, it gets really excuse me?
That was mainly the middle aged to old folks, the city people our age were just like they would be in London, friendly, outgoing and offered us lots of free shots! =D
Had fun but I definitely prefer the spanish coastal regions, especially Marbella.
Here are a couple of shots, went with friends from Uni and had a right laugh!
Shattered, we stayed up all night as our flight was at a ridiculous time like 5am and we'd been out for a late dinner! No point in sleeping then!
This guy had some SERIOUS moves!
Ahh, the group!
Retiro park, beautiful but rowing is not a task for the faint hearted!
Shots and sangria... when in Spain, do as the Spanish do!
And now for the hair! Under my lace front was this fro! <3
Ta da! Obviously I didn't get in the water lol
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